Shaking the world gently

March 12th, 2015

Quiet revolutionI wanted to share with fellow introverts an exciting new development from Susan Cain, author of Quiet, which is where my introvert journey started. She is launching the Quiet Revolution, “a community where you can meet like-minded individuals, join together on important advocacy issues, and enjoy cutting-edge content and resources curated for your sensibility.”

It is still in the development stage but you can sign up for updates as well as like the Quiet Revolution Facebook page.

So why do I think this is important as an internal communicator? Employee engagement is at the heart of what we do and we can only do that by understanding the different personalities we find in our organisations and learning how they can work productively alongside each other. And personally, I think it’s important to understand, as an introvert, what my strengths are and to feel empowered by them through sharing tips and experiences in a like-minded community.

Susan often uses this quote by Gandhi: “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” And I believe, this new quiet community will do just that.

Categories: Helen DeverellInternal communicationIntrovertQuietQuiet Revolution

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“Helen’s passion for her profession shines through very clearly and she manages to combine her deep knowledge of internal communications with a mix of pragmatism and fresh thinking. She is a delight to work with and has a high level of integrity.”

Richard Fitzmaurice, TMF Group